Call for Paper January 2015 { Vol 05 | Issue 01}
Global Researchers Journals
2015-01-22 16:42:13 UTC
Call for Paper

Dear Colleagues

You are cordially invited to submit or
recommend papers to: [1]http://www.grjournals.com

January 2015 (Volume 05 | Issue 01)

·Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances (JPPA)


· Journal of Animal Production
Advances (JAPA) [3]http://grjournals.com/Default.aspx?tabid=6538

Journal of Animal Science
Advances (JASA) [4]http://grjournals.com/Default.aspx?tabid=6401

Journal of Veterinary
Advances (JVA) [5]http://grjournals.com/Default.aspx?tabid=6536

Journal of Recent Advances in
Agriculture (JRAA) http://grjournals.com/Default.aspx?tabid=6878

Global Researchers Journals, a fast track peer-reviewed and open access
academic journal published by Grjournals Publishing, which is one of
the largest open access journal publishers around the world.

Grjournals is using online article submission, review and tracking
system for quality and quick review processing. Journal provides rapid
publication of research article. After 30 days Rapid Review Process by
the editorial/review board members or outside experts, an
accepted paper will be placed under In Press within 24 hours and will
be published in the next issue. Instructions for authors are available
on our website: [6]http://www.grjournals.com

Submitted papers must follow the Instructions to authors to be
considered for review and publication. Refereeing of manuscripts is
conducted anonymously and the identity of the referees is not

The manuscripts which get an acceptance will publish with DOI number.

Your Manuscript(s) can be one of these kinds: Review, Original
Article, Case Report, Short Communications, Technical Notes, Mini
Review Article and Hypothesis.

Some of Abstracted/Index in:

CAB reviews, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), Genamics JournalSeek,
Index Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Electronic
Journals Library and SCIRUS, ISC and the World most
Popular University Electronic Library. [7]http://grjournals.com/Defaul

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NOTICE: Authors that cite [8]www.grjournals.com manuscripts as
reference in their ISI articles, they can send their manuscripts to one
of above journals as FREE of charge. After evaluation and get an
acceptance it will publish without any Article Processing Fee with DOI.

We apologize if you have received this email twice, or our journal is
not your field.

With Warm Regards


Grjournals team

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