ia64/187379: Attempting to buildworld to 10-STABLE from 9.2-STABLE blows
Karl Denninger
2014-03-08 17:24:38 UTC
Number: 187379
Category: ia64
Synopsis: Attempting to buildworld to 10-STABLE from 9.2-STABLE blows
Confidential: no
Severity: serious
Priority: high
Responsible: freebsd-ia64
State: open
Class: sw-bug
Submitter-Id: current-users
Arrival-Date: Sat Mar 08 17:30:00 UTC 2014
Originator: Karl Denninger
Release: FreeBSD 9.2-STABLE amd64
Karls Sushi and Packet Smashers
With "ORGANIZATION" defined (as above) in the environment build blows
up in subversion. The offending file appears to be
/usr/src/usr.bin/svn/svn/Makefile, which echoes the variable into an
include file without quotes around the string literal; said define
is then used in the source without being quoted.
Define "ORGANIZATION" in your environment on a checked-out copy of
10-STABLE's source and type "make buildworld"
[***@NewFS /usr/src/usr.bin/svn/svn]# diff -c Makefile.orig Makefile
*** Makefile.orig Sat Mar 8 10:04:11 2014
--- Makefile Sat Mar 8 10:41:08 2014
*** 58,64 ****
CLEANFILES+= freebsd-organization.h

--- 58,64 ----
CLEANFILES+= freebsd-organization.h
up in subversion
